Compassionate Woman Rescues Fawn Napping Under A Tire By Leaving A Message

In certain areas of the United States, it’s important to regularly check around and under your car to ensure wildlife hasn’t taken refuge there. When a compassionate woman spotted a fawn napping beneath a nearby car tire, she decided to take action.

Wishing to inform the car’s owner about the sleeping deer, she created a Facebook post that quickly went viral.

The comments that followed were touching and often humorous. The most popular response came from Joshua Kevin Nye:

“It’s obvious it was an elderly woman, but how do you know? If you saw her, why didn’t she just leave a note instead of telling you there’s a deer under the tire? I need an explanation!”

Another user humorously expressed hope that the driver could read, noting that one can’t always assume that from some driving habits.

Cyntha Atkinson shared a more appreciative sentiment:

“Thank you for leaving the note, kind woman.”

Indeed, it’s heartwarming to see people who choose to make a positive impact rather than just moving on with their day.

What would you have done in that situation? Would you have continued on your way, left a note, or tried to coax the deer out from under the car?
