Woman Takes Leave From Job To Breastfeed Partner Every Two Hours
Note: This story first made headlines in June 2016 and is being republished now.
An Atlanta woman took a break from her job as a bartender to breastfeed her partner every two hours, aiming to build what she described as “a unique bond that breastfeeding can create.”
Jennifer Mulford’s relationship with her 36-year-old boyfriend, Brad Leeson, is an example of what is known as an Adult Breastfeeding Relationship (ABR), according to The Sun. Various sources, such as the blog Sex Within Marriage, discuss the practice, noting that many men report feeling more relaxed and emotionally connected through breastfeeding, which is said to enhance bonding within relationships.
Mulford shared that she had not heard of ABR until she stumbled upon it online.
“When I learned about the bonding potential of breastfeeding, I was intrigued,” she told The Sun. “I’ve always liked my breasts being touched, especially during intimacy, so I figured I would enjoy this as well.”
Mulford began searching for a partner interested in an ABR, but her efforts to connect through personal ads, dating sites, and Craigslist were unsuccessful.
Eventually, she reconnected with Leeson, an old boyfriend from her school days.
“We were talking when Brad mentioned he had a preference for women with larger breasts. That’s when I saw an opportunity to bring up adult breastfeeding,” Mulford recalled. “I was curious to see if he’d be interested.”
Leeson quickly became intrigued, and soon after, he began researching ABR on his own.
“At that moment, I knew he was on the same page,” Mulford said. “We both wanted the emotional closeness that breastfeeding could bring to our relationship.”
Although Mulford hadn’t breastfed in over 20 years, she began dry-feeding and pumping to stimulate milk production.
In a 2012 Reddit “Ask Me Anything” thread, a woman in an ABR responded to curious questions, clarifying that the practice isn’t about infantilism. Posting under the username “sassymilkmaid,” she explained that for her and her partner, it was both a sexual and emotional experience.
“Everyone has their own preferences,” she wrote, “but there are much stranger fetishes out there.”
Sources: The Sun, Reddit AMA, Sex Within Marriage / Image Source:
Facebook via the New York Post