Parent Demands Teacher’s Dismissal Over Remark On Child’s Math Assignment
Note: This article is a reissue of a story first reported in April 2019.
A petition was launched by a father demanding the dismissal of his son’s teacher due to a comment she made on the child’s math homework.
Chris Piland, the father, was shocked by the feedback his son Kamdyn received on his math test. The teacher’s remarks were particularly harsh.
The second grade class, roughly equivalent to Year 3, was assigned a task to solve as many subtraction problems as possible from a list of 600 within three minutes.
On Kamdyn’s test, the teacher had written, “Absolutely pathetic he answered 13 in 3 min! Sad,” along with a drawing of a sad face.
Residing in Pennsylvania, Piland was enraged by the teacher’s comment and created a petition demanding her removal. The petition has collected over 15,000 signatures.
He shared a photo of the test online with a message: “My son Kamdyn’s teacher has been so rude to him and myself all year. He comes home with this and I am beyond frustrated that someone would write this on a child’s work. Such great motivation.”
According to Piland’s online update, the school board was reviewing the incident.
“Thanks to the support from those who signed and shared this petition, I’m pleased to announce that the teacher is currently under investigation by the Valley View school board,” he said.
The teacher’s comments caused widespread outrage. Reactions included:
“I don’t even have a child and this is sickening to me. This is so beyond unprofessional and just wrong.”
“No teacher should ever write such awful comments on a young child’s work.”
Rose Minniti, the school superintendent, remarked: “This is a personnel matter and will be handled based on facts and evidence, not social media. We aim to act in the best interest of both our students and the employee under review.”
Sources: The Sun