Heading On Vacation? Try This Coin Trick!
Ever returned from a trip to find your digital clock flashing the wrong time? This usually indicates a power interruption occurred while you were away. Such outages can sometimes lead to significant issues, particularly with your freezer. Without a digital clock, determining if a power outage happened can be tricky.
While a power outage is not a disaster, it can pose problems, especially for your freezer.
Preparing for Your Trip
When getting ready for a vacation, there’s a lot to manage. You need to arrange pet care, secure valuables, and lock up your home. Did you remember to turn off the stove? Is your thermostat set correctly? With so many details to handle before leaving, here’s a useful trick involving a coin in your freezer to help you when you get back.
The Power Outage Issue
If you return after being away and notice your digital clock displaying the incorrect time, it likely means there was a power outage. If you don’t have a digital clock, it’s harder to detect. Why is a power outage during your absence a concern? An extended power outage might have caused your freezer to thaw, which can be problematic, especially for meat. Thawed meat can develop bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli, making it unsafe to eat if refrozen.
Effects of Thawing
A thawed freezer can lead to various problems. Meat that has thawed and refrozen can cause illness, while other foods might lose flavor and texture. For example, ice cream may turn into ice crystals and lose its creamy texture. So, how can a coin help in this situation?
The Coin Method
To check for a power outage while you were away, try this simple coin trick. This idea, suggested by Sheila Russell, involves freezing a cup of water with a coin placed on top. When you return, inspect the cup. If the coin has moved to the bottom, it means your freezer experienced a thawing period.
Checking Your Freezer
This method can also help monitor if your freezer is having trouble maintaining its temperature. Place a cup of ice with a coin on top in the freezer to see if it warms up. Regular checks can indicate if your freezer needs attention.
Freezing Tips
Not everything freezes well. For instance, pasta and rice can become mushy and lose their texture when frozen and thawed.
Using this simple coin trick can help you avoid the disappointment of spoiled food and ensure your freezer is working properly while you’re away.