Woman Sells Deceased Son’s Cradle, Buyer Returns After A Week With A Shocking Discovery In The Trunk
In July, Valarie Watts faced the profound sorrow of delivering her stillborn son, Noah. Amid her grief, she chose to sell most of the items she had prepared for his arrival, except for a cherished white crib.
When Gerald Kumpula, a retired craftsman, noticed the crib at a garage sale held by Watts, he expressed interest in buying it. Despite her initial hesitation, Watts decided to sell the crib to the 75-year-old after learning about his craftsmanship with secondhand furniture.
Watts felt some comfort knowing the crib would be transformed into something meaningful, and she sold it to Gerald for $2.
After talking to Gerald’s wife, Lorene, who had inquired about Watts’ son upon seeing baby clothes at the sale, the Kumpulas felt a deep connection to Watts’ story. With their large family and personal experience with loss, they decided the crib belonged with Watts.
A week later, the Kumpulas returned with a bench made from the crib, which Watts found to be a beautiful gesture. She placed the bench in her living room as a tribute to Noah, finding solace in its presence.
Watts had noticed decreased fetal movement in the final days of her pregnancy, and Noah was delivered via cesarean section on July 22. Tragically, doctors discovered that the umbilical cord had become compressed, cutting off oxygen to the baby.
Gerald, who had personal experience with stillbirth, understood the significance of repurposing the crib into a bench rather than leaving it as a reminder of loss.
Although Watts offered payment for the bench, Gerald declined, stating that helping others is rewarding in itself.
Watts, who has a 7-year-old daughter and plans to marry her fiancé this fall, finds comfort in the bench. It sits near a corner bookcase with Noah’s photos and mementos, offering a sense of peace and connection to her son.