To Address Criticism, The Mother Of Twins With Unusual Forms Of Down Syndrome Showcases Their Beauty And Value

Twins are relatively rare, occurring in about 33 out of every 1,000 births, though their frequency has risen by 72% since 1980. Among twins, identical pairs are even less common, with only three or four sets estimated to be born per 1,000 births.

When Savannah Combs learned she was expecting twins, she was thrilled, despite the additional challenge that both babies were diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Her excitement for her growing family remained undiminished by the added difficulty.

Savannah and Justin Ackerman were heartbroken to discover that their daughters, Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman, would have a limited lifespan. Despite the anticipated criticism, Savannah was immensely proud of her children.

She affectionately referred to them as “her little diamonds” in an interview with News4JAX. Savannah’s journey with her twins became well-known on TikTok through the videos she shared. The story gained even more significance after doctors had recommended terminating the pregnancy due to the diagnoses.

Savannah felt a deep connection to her twins from each prenatal visit and treasured the time she had before their birth. During her pregnancy, she was largely on her own as her husband was away at boot camp. She delivered her twin daughters at 29 weeks, and they had to spend several weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) due to their early arrival.

The twins are classified as “monozygotic-dichorionic” because they have separate amniotic sacs but share a placenta, making them identical. The rarity of their condition is highlighted by the fact that Down Syndrome occurs in about one in two million births.

Savannah is committed to showing that, despite their rare condition, her daughters are just like any other children. She believes in their potential and the value they bring with their strong emotions, beating hearts, and ability to communicate.

She frequently updates her followers on TikTok, showcasing each milestone and tracking her daughters’ progress. Savannah hopes to inspire others by proving that with determination, anything is possible.

Savannah, a devoted mother, has faced some harsh comments on social media regarding her daughters. One individual even suggested that if their babies had been born to them, they would have opted for adoption. Savannah responded with grace and wisdom, asserting that her children were meant to be with her and her husband, who will love and care for them unconditionally. Her response underscores the importance of compassion and love.

Let’s celebrate Savannah and her beautiful daughters by sharing their inspiring story on Facebook!
