How Best Friend Dynamics Have Evolved From The 1990s To Today
We all remember that best friend from the ’90s—the one we’d chat with late into the night, share secrets about our strict parents, and plan matching outfits with. When comparing best friends from the ’90s to today, it’s clear that while many things have changed, the core aspects remain the same: we still spend hours talking on the phone with our closest friends, gossip, and coordinate outfits while pretending it’s a coincidence. In reality, not much has changed except that we’re now older and probably enjoy a bit more wine.
Best friends often become the siblings we never had, or perhaps the ones we’d rather not have had. While siblings might have stolen your favorite toys or made mischief (like the time a friend’s sibling paraded around with her training bra on their head), your best friend was always there for prank calls and providing comfort when your crush showed interest in someone else on the playground.
Our lives have been shaped by our best friends, both in the ’90s and today, despite some changes over time.
The Fights We Get Into
In the ’90s: Your best friend promised to look after your virtual pet while you were on vacation, only for it to end up dead. This breach of trust was hard to overlook.
Today: Arguments are less direct. Instead, we might leave passive-aggressive comments on Facebook or intentionally not like each other’s Instagram posts.
How We Make Up
In the ’90s: With no smartphones, making up meant passing a note in class filled with frown faces and hearts, ending with “LYLAS” (love you like a sis).
Today: A peace offering typically involves a $12 Starbucks drink and a cheerful selfie to patch things up.
Friday Night Fun
In the ’90s: We’d hit the mall for faux nose rings from Claire’s before sneaking into an R-rated movie. We thought we were so rebellious.
Today: Going out is less appealing. Instead, we’re content with binge-watching Netflix and sipping on a bottle or two of wine. FriYAY, anyone?
Playing Wingwoman
In the ’90s: After using a cootie catcher to determine your soulmate, you’d orchestrate a chance encounter during science class while your BFF warded off other girls.
Today: Finding lasting love means spending hours searching for him on Facebook using just his middle name.
Squad Goals
In the ’90s: It was all about gathering enough friends to pretend to be the Spice Girls.
Today: While you still need someone to join in on the “Single Ladies” dance, you’re more of a one-on-one type these days, making your best friend more than enough.