A ‘Price is Right’ contestant astonishes Drew Carey with the ‘most remarkable Showcase bid ever seen on the show.
Last week on The Price is Right, during an unforgettable episode of the Showcase Showdown, host Drew Carey was stunned when a contestant made an incredibly accurate bid close to the actual value of the prize. Carey hailed it as the “greatest Showcase bid ever seen on the show.”
Patrice Masse, a contestant from Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, participated in the game show and advanced to the final round, the Showcase Showdown. He wagered $39,500 on a prize package featuring a vacation to Miami and a brand new car. Carey was left speechless when it was time to reveal the actual value of the prizes. Beginning with, “Let me share with you…”, the crowd and Masse eagerly awaited the outcome. “Thirty-nine thousand, five-oh-one,” Carey announced. Watch the incredible moment in the video below. [Insert video link]
Masse’s bid was less than $1 off, securing him both prize packages under the show’s current rules, where contestants win both showcases if their bid is within $250 without exceeding the actual value. Masse’s remarkable guess made him one of the rare Double Showcase Winners on the show. Well done, Patrice! Your victory was truly remarkable and will be remembered as one of the greatest triumphs on game shows.