The Store Proprietor Halts The Sale Of Pepsi Bottles Upon Observing The Updated Logo Featured On Them.
Note: This story, originally featured in October 2018, is being republished.
S&Z Grocery, located in Athens, Alabama, offers a diverse range of products. However, the store proprietor made a decision to exclude two items due to a promotional label featuring a logo he found objectionable.
The logo in question is the NFL emblem that appeared on Pepsi bottles.
Phillip Stewart, owner of S&Z Grocery, expressed his stance, stating, “I don’t want to support them in any way, because I feel like it’s just wrong. I can’t in good conscience sell the product because it does have the logo on it.”
In a Facebook post, Stewart elaborated:
“This may cause me to lose some business, but here goes. S&Z Supermarket currently will not be selling 20 ounce Pepsi or Diet Pepsi. These two items are currently produced with the NFL logo on them. I refuse to sell the product until the logo is removed. I will not compromise my principles for profit, particularly when athletes are permitted to disregard the flag and country that I cherish.”
Stewart acknowledged the players’ cause but believed “there are other ways to deal with it.”
“This has brought attention to it; I’m sure there is good that comes from this, I just don’t agree with the tactic,” Stewart added.
Moreover, he announced that while he would continue to sell Pepsi products, those featuring the NFL logo would be excluded, despite his distributor indicating that the logo would remain until the Super Bowl.
Many voiced support for Phillip Stewart’s decision to cease selling Pepsi products with the NFL logo, commending him for standing by his convictions.
Sources: WAFF 48