My boyfriend conveniently ‘forgets’ his credit card every time we dine out, so… Keep reading below for the first comment…
The woman then turned to online forums to seek opinions on her reaction to the situation. Users shared their thoughts on her boyfriend’s behavior. A puzzled woman with her hands raised in confusion, she was troubled by her actions, especially since they occurred in front of her boyfriend’s children. He accused her of selfishness for not considering them.
The woman disclosed that her boyfriend’s children enjoyed dining out, so they did so weekly. However, her boyfriend frequently “forgot” his wallet, leaving her to foot the bill each time. Initially tolerable, this had left her financially strained after multiple instances in the past month.
On one occasion, having just received payment from her second part-time job, they were dining out again. Aware of his habit, she reminded him via text to bring his wallet. He dismissed it with a laugh. At the restaurant, the children ordered expensive items, and when she inquired about his wallet, he realized he had left it behind.
After a futile search, he sheepishly admitted to forgetting it. He asked her to cover the bill, but she refused, fed up with the situation. She left the restaurant, prompting her boyfriend to confront her, accusing her of selfishness. She stood firm, refusing to bear the financial burden repeatedly.
Later, her boyfriend criticized her for leaving him and his children in that predicament. She reiterated her stance, asserting the unfairness of continually paying for their outings. He argued, citing his forgetfulness and the consequences for his children.