This is Absolutely the funniest thing I’ve Read all the year “MY HUSBAND”…
My spouse and I were prepared to head out for a delightful evening of dining and theater. Due to a prior burglary incident, we activated a ‘night light’ and then placed our feline companion in the backyard for safety.
Upon the arrival of our ride service, as we exited our residence, our rather plump cat swiftly darted indoors, slipping between our legs, and scampered up the stairs. Aware of our cat’s penchant for chasing our pet bird, we decided not to leave them unsupervised. Consequently, my spouse hurried back indoors to retrieve our cat and return her to the backyard.
Wanting to maintain discretion about our absence from home for the evening, I informed the ride service driver that my spouse would join us shortly, as he was seeing off my mother.
A short while later, my spouse entered the ride service vehicle, looking flustered. To my increasing shock and amusement, as the car departed, he recounted, “Apologies for the delay. Our feline friend was hiding under the bed, and I had to coax her out with a makeshift tool. She attempted to flee, prompting me to handle her carefully to avoid scratches, as she had done previously. Fortunately, I managed to guide her downstairs and return her to the backyard… Let’s hope she refrains from using the vegetable garden as her litter box again.”
The atmosphere in the vehicle became remarkably quiet.