If the chicken is unwell, it shouldn’t be served”: Explanation from a Chick-fil-A employee regarding the introduction of new ‘antibiotic-free’ chicken.
Chick-fil-A recently announced a shift in its chicken policy, moving from a strict “no antibiotics” stance to a policy of using antibiotics only when necessary, such as when an animal falls ill. This change has stirred concern among Chick-fil-A enthusiasts about potential alterations in taste. In response, popular content creator and Chick-fil-A employee @mirithesiren took to TikTok to clarify the situation while taste-testing the “new chicken” herself.
In a TikTok video, @mirithesiren addresses concerns raised by another TikToker named Brynn (@brynnboo), who disposed of her chicken after learning about the change. “@mirithesiren” stitches Brynn’s video, explaining, “Chick-fil-A has announced they’re now going to be using antibiotic chicken. This is not about enhancing the chicken’s size or growth; antibiotics will only be used if the chicken is sick or in need of treatment.”
This explanation mirrors Chick-fil-A’s official statement on their website, emphasizing that antibiotics will only be administered if necessary for the health of the animal. @mirithesiren proceeds to sample a chicken sandwich, affirming that it tastes the same as before. She notes that the consistency and quality of Chick-fil-A’s offerings may vary by location.
The video concludes with @mirithesiren trying the new Mango Passion Shake.
@mirithesiren Chick-fil-A Antibiotic chicken taste test! @Chick-fil-A #chickfila #antibioticchicken #newchickfilachicken #chickfilaemployee
@mirithesiren’s video garnered over 357,000 views on TikTok, prompting viewers to share their own experiences with the “new chicken.” Despite concerns, the consumption of antibiotics through animal products is deemed unlikely, as Healthline explains that strict regulations ensure any traces of antibiotics are eliminated from animal products before consumption.