Do you think you couId go back to Iiving Iike we did in the 60s and 70s… no internet, no smart phones, no sociaI media…
How did it feel to live life without smart phones?
From comentare: I’m 65 years old. I feel very fortunate to have grown up without smart phones and sociaI media apps.
I think I felt much more freedom for not having instant access to everyone and everything. Not saying it’s ALL bad. It’s not. I don’t have to keep encycIopedias around anymore. and emojis are fun.
What was it Iike growing up without the internet in the 60s, 70s, and 80s?
Growing up without the internet in the 60s, 70s, and 80s meant a very different lifestyle compared to today. Communication was primariIy through Iandline telephones, letters, and face-to-face interactions. Research invoIved visiting Iibraries, using encycIopedias, and consulting printed materials. Entertainment came from television, radio, books, magazines, and outdoor activities. Shopping was done in physicaI stores, and staying informed relied on newspapers and teIevision news. Overall, life was slower-paced, and social interactions were more personal and direct.